Tuning in
with Nature
Tatiana Vecchiato
Holistic Healing Arts for Self Discovery
Arti per il benEssere
in Armonia con la Natura
Acrilic on canvas, Tati 2015
Arti per il BenEssere in Armonia con la Natura
Acrilic on canvas, Tati 2015
Discover Yourself with Nature
Welcome in this space born from the connection with the essence simplicity and Wisdom of all Life around us... Nature is my first Muse and great teacher...
My desire is to share with you the best of my journey through tools and arts to discover, enjoy and live wholly the wonder of your Being...
Contact Me...
Tatiana Vecchiato
Mail: artienatura@gmail.com Phone +393402291896
Skype: tatiana.vecchiato
P.IVA 04608220267
"E ogni giorno uscirò per le strade cercando i colori."
Cesare Pavese
Nel Cuore di una Dea
dal 7 al 12 Ottobre
Il Blog
In programma...
Un percorso di scoperta e guarigione attraverso i rimedi floreali, verso il benessere e l'armonia... online, sulla tua mail...
Thank you for - Grazie...
Grazie Tatiana, conosco i fiori da alcuni anni, ma non ho mai incontrato parole poetiche come le tue per descrivere le proprietà dei fiori... Sei Magica, grazie
Cara Tatiana, tu hai un talento straordinario, che mi ha fatto sentire calma e rilassata durante questa settimana...Immensamente grata del tempo trascorso con te. Dear Tatiana, you have an extraordinary talent, one which has left me feeling calm and balanced over the past week. I am immensely grateful for sharing time with you.With Love,Stephxx
Stay in Touch...
"In this information age awash with so many words it is easy to undervalue an instinctual knowledge that comes from within. But the sacred principles of Life have never been written down: they belong to the heartbeat, to the rhythm of the breath and the flow of the blood. They are alive like the rain and the rivers, the waxing and waning of the moon. If we learn to listen we will discover that Life, the Great mother, is speaking to us, telling us what we need to know."
—Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, "The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul"