Tuning in
with Nature
Tatiana Vecchiato
Holistic Healing Arts for Self Discovery
Arti per il benEssere
in Armonia con la Natura
Acrilic on canvas, Tati 2015
Arti per il BenEssere in Armonia con la Natura
Acrilic on canvas, Tati 2015
Discover Yourself with Nature
“...people don’t take trips—trips take people.”
― John Steinbeck,
Travels with Charley: In Search of America
A Magic trip to discover Evia, its beauty and richness through the art of yoga, the natural archetypes and the wisdom of its natural heart...
The cost of the trip is 350 euro
(half board accomodation and classes included) - flight excluded
Classes will be in Italian & English...
Yoga Classes with Roberto Caiti, yoga teacher
Natural Landscape Wisdom Exploration by Tatiana Vecchiato, holistic therapist...
For more info please write at artienatura@gmail.com
Evia is an island on the est coast of Greece...
you can join the North of Evia by car or bus from the Airport of Athens in just 2 hours...
This is an unspoiled island
with wild nature and old rural villages...
there are various findings on the islands and wonderful beaches...
We are very happy to share with you this beauty through the art of yoga and the most richful connection with nature and Greek life...
350 euro
Half Board Accomodation at Villa Averoff,
in shared room ( 2 people),
Not included:
Extra Drinks,
Extra excursions,
Flight and Airport transfer to the villa
Massages & Treatments