Tuning in
with Nature
Tatiana Vecchiato
Holistic Healing Arts for Self Discovery
Arti per il benEssere
in Armonia con la Natura
Acrilic on canvas, Tati 2015
Arti per il BenEssere in Armonia con la Natura
Acrilic on canvas, Tati 2015
Discover Yourself with Nature
Il Gioco Curativo delle Cinque Dita
The Healing Fingers Game
Hi and welcome here at
The Healing Finger Game...
This is an e-path to discover and learn to play the Healing Finger Game created and developed
by Vivienne Rauber...
The Healing Finger Game is a simple, practical and easy to learn psychology and therapy for feelings...
The Mistery of Healing told by 5 Fingers is:
For adults a self-help book:
It teaches how to become aware
of your feelings, consciously observe them and treat them with acupressure and visualization.
For people interested in Chinese Medicine
this work serves as an introduction to the theory of the five elements and proposes a way to “hand”-le the feelings of loneliness, fear, anger, sadness and downheartedness.
For parents, nursery school and kindergarten teachers a guide for role playing with the children, in order to find out about their feelings and problems and talk about them in a codified way.
For children:
They learn to recognize their own feelings and those of others, to talk about them, comfort themselves and "hand"le their situations...
Who is Vivienne Rauber?
She is a psychologist and psychotherapist in Zurich, Switzerland,
creator and developper of the Healing Fingers Game and the ETP Energetic Theraphy Process...
She teaches SELF-HELP in 6 languages
and through YouTube for people who want to work on themselves
and solve their personal physical, psychological or couple problems.
You can follow Vivienne at her website ... and subscribe to her formation there, fillng the application form and daily journal to receive a Diploma as teacher of the Healing Fingers Game...
What about this course?
To learn and practise the Healing Fingers Game
you can even follow this e-course for free
and join our facebook Group, to be supported, motivated and nourished
by a safe, nourishing group of people learning and practising...
I ll post lessons, video and research materials and I ll be available for support and guidance.
You can follow the lessons through our Facebook group "The Healing Fingers Game"
and even here weekly you can download the Lessons and The Meditations.
To receive the lessons on your mail please send me an email with the subject "Healing Fingers Game" to artienatura@gmail.com
What do you need to enroll in this course?
You need simple basic informatic tools to watch video lessons on youtube and if you like a facebook account to join the group
Why is this a free e-course?
This e-course is for free as I ve received this knowledge for free, and I would love to share the informations and teaching on a free basis donation...
How can I receive the Diploma?
You can follow Vivienne Rauber's Healing Game through youtube and work on yourself; to receive the Diploma you have to fill out the "Inscription Form" (see on the left of Vivienne Rauber home page "YouTube")
and fill out your daily homework in the "Registers for Studies by YouTube" . When you have finished the 24 lessons of the Healing Finger Game, send the Registers to vivienne.rauber@sunrise.ch to get your free Diploma which permits you to teach the "Healing Finger Game".
In which language can I learn?
You can follow it in English, Italian, Spanish, Portoguese, French and German...on Vivienne Youtube Channel
or In Italian and English supported by me.
You can download for free books and cd here at Vivienne's website...
Thank you and welcome to this e-course...
You can enroll anytime...
with Love, Tatiana
Free Downloads
... books and cd s for your self discovery and growth...
Free Diplomas
... daily write your journal...
Video Lessons
... weekly discover your inner child and guide him/her towards healing, love and care...
Join the
... to be inspired and supported...
Week 6 - Heal Anger with the Middle Finger
Week 1 - What's that?
Week 4 - Heal Fear with the Index Finger
Week 2 - Heal Loneliness with the Thumb
Week 5 - Water Meditation with the Rain
Week 8 - Heal Sadness with the Ringer Finger
Week 7 - Wood Meditation
Week 9 - Metal Meditation with the Wind
Week 3 - Earth Meditation